

weh,penat woi!!!
clerical work,duty,people calling here and there,staying back bla bla bla.
lord,i am dying.
am going to spend this weekend at school.haih,
tolongla...siapa mahu tolong....tak ada....
hellooo...ooo...who says being a teacher is such an easy job?

despite all the pressure,my kids is the reason for me to smile.

to teach good students is to make me do revision before i enter the class.haha.
teacher,why is it like this?why cant we write that?
God...thinking of applying the 3 golden rules.
1.teacher is always right
2.teacher is always right
3.teacher is always right
see,how lousy i am as a teacher.lalala~

oh ok.,thanks to my colleagues who helped me at my time in need.
kereta tak boleh start sebab lupa matikan lampu.happened on my very first day at school.
is it a sign of kesuweyan this year?lalala~

for my dearest sibs;hi 5.
all the best ya.my prayer is always with you.may Allah make it easier for you girls (hehe) to accomplish your dream.
nad tertinggal...uwwaaaa!!!!

the melancholic aqel will be back this weekend.
counting days to meet her.
orang tua tak ada duit nak balik.duduk sana diam2.haha.

ok,entry bukan macam irsyad's because i am not ready to be as matured as him.
before i forget,syad oi oi oi.congrats for the new beginning of your life.
belanja aku jangan lupa.hahaha.

last but not least,


aqel said...

x paham. siapakah orang tua itu?
*blur* salahkn exam. ahaha!

miko_tenki said...

hah hah hah.... kesuweyan?? apakah itu?

dianakamal said...

Salam nad,

Ya Allah, rindu sangat nad. entah bila boleh jumpa lagi. terima kaseh untuk doa. nad tak tertinggallah. kot-kot nanti nad lagi express dari kitorang. ameen ameen. take care dear!

-syad- said...

aku bkn matured pon..haha..still learning..dpt gaji nnt aku helo2 ye..dun worry..

fsj said...

weh nad, kelako la ko nye gambo last, ending yg cam, whahahaha, sweet yang terbalik :p

nad, harus bertenang, i can feel u and about pursuing dreams, im still hoping for the best and His sign for me. huhuhu..

syad nak kawen dah ke? tahniah! :)