

a response for irsyad's previous entry.
and inspired by sarah's activity of counting her blessings.
thanx dearies =)

honestly sometimes i do blame fate or destiny for not getting what i want.
indirectly,i am actually blaming Him.
minta yang baik2.langgar larangan.tak buat suruhan.
bila tak dapat salahkan semua kecuali diri sendiri.

"and He listens to those who believe and do the deeds of righteousness,and give them His bounty:but for the unbelievers there is a terrible penalty.
If Allah wants to enlarge the provision for His servants,they would indeed transgress beyond all bounds through the earth;but He sends (it) down in due measure as His pleases.for He is with His servants well-acquainted,watchful.
He is the one that sends down rain even after men has given up all hope,and scatters His mercy (far and wide).and He is the protector,worthy of all praise"

He is the one that sends down rain after men has given up hope...

count your blessing nadiah.be grateful as there are so many people who are way unlucky as compared to you.

"and remember!your Lord caused to be declared (publicly): "if you are grateful,I will add more (favours)unto you;but if you show ingratitude,truly My punishment is terible indeed"

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